Recipe Box & Dinner Planner

Simplify how you get dinner on the table.

Enjoy end-to-end dinner planning with the Cozi Recipe Box and Meal Planner! Save your recipes in one place, discover new favorites, add ingredients to your grocery list with just one touch, and schedule meals to your shared family calendar. 

With Cozi Recipe Box, you can…

Keep your recipes at your fingertips

Store your go-to recipes in one place and access them anytime. Pull up a recipe in the kitchen to make dinner or pull up recipes from the grocery store for last-minute planning.

Keep your recipes at your fingertips

Store your go-to recipes in one place and access them anytime. Pull up a recipe in the kitchen to make dinner or pull up recipes from the grocery store for last-minute planning.

Create grocery lists, fast

Cozi makes it easy to transfer recipe ingredients to your grocery list—great for when you’re menu planning for the week or just scrambling to pick up ingredients for dinner tonight.

Find inspiration

Browse new recipes from Cozi Picks and partners, and easily save recipes you find around the web to Cozi with our mobile importer.

Find inspiration

Browse new recipes from Cozi Picks and partners, and easily save recipes you find around the web to Cozi with our mobile importer.

Create the week’s meal plan

Schedule recipes onto days of the week to avoid the last-minute dinner decision. Everyone in the family can see the plan, so no more questions about what's for dinner.