Night Before School Checklist Make school mornings easier by getting organized the night before. Download the list to Cozi and add your own kids' bedtime chores and any missing routines. Night Before School Checklist Pick out tomorrow's outfit Make...
Chores for Kids: Starter Lists Guest post by Mandi Ehman, founder of Life…Your Way. When it comes to helping kids help themselves, I think the biggest barrier we face as parents is that it's often faster and easier to just to do it ourselves. But...
10 Snacks Kids Can Make Themselves We welcome Mandi Ehman, founder of Life…Your Way, as our guest author to share her ideas for healthy snacks that kids can make on their own (plus a shopping list of pantry items at the end). We've all seen the prepackaged...
Preschool and Kindergarten School Supplies List Get ready for the school year with this list of back to school supplies for preschool or kindergarten. For more lists by grade level, see our school supplies lists for every grade. You can easily add this school supplies...
Top 5 Chores Kids Do It's harder for kids to argue about doing chores if most kids are doing them, right? That's why we're reporting on the most common chores kids do, by age group. We hope it helps with your ongoing effort to get the kids to help...
Room Parent Checklist for Back to School by Karen Bantuveris, the founder & CEO of VolunteerSpot, a time and sanity-saving online coordination tool that empowers busy parents, teachers and grassroots community leaders by making it easier get involved. Karen lives...
Kids' Morning Checklist for Summer It's summer and time for a little freedom from the schedule. But don't let the kids off the hook entirely! Put the morning routine on a checklist so you won't need to remind the kids to brush their teeth or...
Kids' Evening Checklist for Summer Summer is all about relaxing the schedule and making time for fun. But keeping the evening and bedtime routine in place helps kids get the sleep and reading time they need over the summer. Here's a starter list for summer...
Ultimate Summer Reading List (Add to Cozi!) It's always nice to get a book recommendation, and with this summer reading list in Cozi you'll have a bunch right at your fingertips. Visit the Summer Reading List page on to get details on...
View Travel Plans in Cozi by Importing Your TripIt Calendar Feed If you're a frequent traveler, you might use the TripIt app to manage travel plans and itineraries. Did you know you can keep your family up to date on your trips by simply importing your...