Organize Summer Planning with 2024 Planning Printables
As the cold winds blow and the grass freezes over, it might not feel like summer is coming soon. But even if summer camps, vacations, and staycations seem far away, their deadlines and planning needs are creeping in (or racing by!).
Planning for the summer can be complicated. Summers just get so busy. The kids might be out of school, but you’re still actively organizing your household and family life. Maybe more actively, since there’s more childcare and extra travel to juggle.
But even the most complex summer is easy to simplify with the right tools. Our new 2024 summer planners are designed in a variety of versions so you can find one that fits your family schedule and helps you stay organized, without getting overwhelmed by the details.
This year, each planner features a handy QR code that directly opens Cozi so you can easily access the app while you’re planning—just scan the code with your phone’s camera, and pop in your plans so everyone stays on the same page.
Which planner is right for your personal thinking style and your family’s schedule?
Weekly Summer Planner and Brainstorm List
Weekly Summer Planner with Divided Spaces
For example, maybe one week, Grandma is watching the kids from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m, or every Tuesday in July you have book club at 7:00 p.m. You can use the divided spaces to keep track of each of these activities that might happen in the same week.
Daily Summer Planner
With our daily planner, you can write notes for each day of the summer, all laid out on one page. Because schedules differ, you can choose a four-month view from May through August or June through September, or the full five-month view from May through September. This planner gives you a beautiful balance between daily details and big-picture planning. With one glance, you can see whether Sam’s engineering camp is in July or August, or you can check whether you’re home on June 3.
Move your plans into Cozi and keep them with you on the go
Once you’ve written down your thoughts and converted them into weekly plans, you’ve taken a huge step towards a summer that runs smoothly.
But you don’t have to fold up the planner and slip it in your pocket. Tape it up in your kitchen for easy reference! And be sure to add the finalized details into Cozi so you can have the details at your fingertips and get reminders, agenda emails, or both!
A few quick tips to Cozi-fy your summer plans:
- Add each family member to Cozi (with or without their email address) and choose a different color dot for each person. Then Ella’s soccer camp will show up with a purple dot, and you won’t mix it up with your husband’s golf tournament and its orange dot—even at a quick glance.
- If there are others who will help you out through the summer, consider adding them as Family Members in Cozi so they can stay up to date. (You can have up to 12 family members in Cozi.) Family members without the account password can still receive Daily and Weekly Agenda emails, which is a great way to make sure Grandpa knows when to take Jake to his swim meet.
- Easily set up an event or activity to last multiple days or weeks. When you’re adding in Robotics Camp for Ollie on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m, use the “Repeats” feature so you only need to enter it once.
Find the planners in your Cozi app
Open your Cozi app and you'll find a link to the Summer Planners right from the app's home screen. Or, you can access them here: Cozi Summer Planners. If you don’t yet have Cozi, sign up today to access all of the 2024 summer planners!
Get ready to enjoy summer!
With your schedule nestled safely into Cozi, you can keep track of all of summer's moving pieces and know everything is moving forward comfortably. That means you can let go of the stress. You don't have to keep it all straight in your head.
Get ready to sit by the pool and relax with a glass of ice-cold lemonade, knowing that all your ducks are in a row. (By then the lemonade will be refreshing, not freezing. Trust.)
Cozi Family Organizer is the must-have app for busy families - easy to use and free in the app store. You'll wonder how you managed your busy life before Cozi. Get Cozi today!