How Cozi Helps Parents of Neurodivergent Kids and Kids with Disabilities

Apr 12, 2023 | Blog, Tips & How Tos

Sometimes, life gets complex. When your child has a disability or a neurodivergent diagnosis, it can involve extra responsibilities for you as the parent. You might experience extra stress, or you might struggle to stay organized. The greater the complexity of your family life, the more helpful it can be to simplify with a family organization app like Cozi. 

We reached out to Cozi families and asked them just that: How has Cozi helped you if you have a family member with a disability or who is neurodivergent? We want to share those answers with you, alongside a few reasons we think Cozi can be a helpful tool.  

Keep track of appointments

If your family members have a lot of appointments, your schedule gets crowded. Cozi can help you keep track of everything you have going on. 

It has helped us tremendously! We have been using Cozi long before our nine-year-old was born, but it has been a game changer even more since she was born. Our Daughter… has been diagnosed with a vision impairment and cerebral palsy. She is severely affected and has had lots of doctors appointments, therapies, and specialists to see through her life.  

Cozi helps us, keeps all of our calendars together and keeps our life running! We use it for every list for everything and every appointment! 

Keep track of medication refills

When your kids (or other family members) are on medications, you may be responsible for handling prescription pickups and refills. With an already complex schedule or busy lifestyle, it can feel difficult to track medications, too. Try scheduling medication pickups in Cozi to offload one more responsibility from your mind. 

Cozi helps us keep up with all the doctor appts my husband and daughter have. Both are disabled. I don't know what we'd do without it. It also keeps my reminders to pick up their meds or whatever else they need. [It makes me feel] confident that I can manage our lives. 

Trust Cozi to remember things for you

You probably have a lot running through your mind on an average day. Regardless of how you feel about your child's diagnosis, these responsibilities can be stressful. When you shift the burden of remembering things onto Cozi, you shift some stress as well.

I have multiple neuro-divergent children, with one of them having cerebral palsy and epilepsy and the other 2 have ADHD. My family has so many medical and therapeutic appts, so Cozi keeps them organized for all the family to see. … It makes me feel calm once I add a date or appt to the calendar. Then I know it’s there and I don’t have to remember it. 

Feel more organized and less overwhelmed

Juggling appointments, medications, stress, and the many other things you do for your child can easily lead to feeling overwhelmed. Using a single, shared calendar like Cozi to track all of your events can reduce overwhelm by a surprising amount. 

As the parent of a child with a disability Cozi helps us keep track of medical appointments including doctor’s follow up appointments, services like speech therapy, as well as reminders to refill medications, etc. Cozi helps make me feel organized even when life feels overwhelming.  

Empower your kids to gain some independence, safely

As your kids grow older, you might want to help them take on more autonomy, but it can be complicated. With Cozi, you can empower your older child to keep their lives organized—in a way that lets you manage the situation without hovering. 

We have a 20-year-old daughter on the autism spectrum and we could not survive without Cozi. We put all of her appointments and activities on the calendar and have added one of her one on one providers to our [account] as well. Our daughter is also able to add things to the grocery list and this has been helpful as well. 

Another Cozi parent of a teen/adult child with autism found Cozi useful, too:
You can create events for various jobs/tasks the individual needs to do on certain days i.e. laundry or cleaning and set multiple reminders to go to that person. Also, it is a way to communicate events like appointments and remind them in a non-confrontational way. You can also add the address in that they can just click on to be able to find the location of the appointment. This is for my teen/adult child with autism. 

When life gets complex, it’s time to simplify

Cozi is designed to simplify your family life, lighten your mental load, and keep your family connected. If you care for or support your kids or other family members who experience disabilities or neurodivergence, Cozi might help lift the weight off your shoulders when you need it most.  

If you’re managing your own disability or neurodivergence, many Cozi families have also shared with us the ways that Cozi helps them individually as adults. You can read more about that in this article: How Does Cozi Help Neurodiverse People and People With Disabilities?  

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